Monday, December 31, 2012

Ugly Ducklin

Ugly is to the bone...

How do you make an ugly truck pretty?  As near as I can tell, you start by making it uglier. 

You have to have a certain optimistic outlook on future possibilities when the present looks so... well, ugly.  I've temporarily renamed Old Yeller, Old Spot.  As she sits now in the confines of the surgery suite, she looks like she could go "flat-line" at any moment.  But the surgeon proclaims a bright and shinny future for the old gal and predicts that she will emerge from this operation feeling and looking decades younger.  What can one do, but put a measure of trust in what the good doc says?  After all, he is the expert.

The most critcal issue is a couple of spots of skin cancer (rust) that if left untreated would be surely fatal, but we caught it in time.  She also stands to benefit from the generous donation of vital body parts from a younger sister (1969 truck found in a local junk yard). 

I've gone by every few days to visit the patient and although I'd never tell her, she is getting uglier by the day.  But I know that the ugly has to be cut off, sanded off and ground off before the "pretty" can go back on.  I was thrilled to show her a photo of her newly redone bench seat.

I hope she liked the seat.  It's hard to know for sure; she is unresponsive in ICU, but there's nothing like a new seat to make a girl feel pretty.  It is just that it's going to be a while before she can actually enjoy it in person. 

Next time I go by for a visit I think I'll show her the new windshield gasket.  That ought to encourage her.  In the meantime all I can do is hope for a speedy recovery.  She will be pretty again.  Stay tuned.

A new seat can always make a girl feel pretty.


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